Our 9th Mission Trip to Telica, Nicaragua is complete!
Our team poses with our local masons to dedicate their new house with a grateful family.
What a wonderful success. We made new friends, deepened established friendships, built two new houses, and led vacation Bible school (VBS) for 300 children, youth, and adults.
The angel of the Lord speaks to Mary at VBS, a real HERO of the Bible!
Welcome to our front porch!
In addition, we delivered from InterVol more than two suitcases full of medical supplies donated from Rochester area health care organizations. We also distributed about 9 suitcases of children's clothing to many in need.
Jacque and Judy enjoying our sponsored baseball tournament.
Devotions, held in common with family and friends back home, followed dinner each evening.
At the end of the trip, we distributed the remaining funds to help repair roofs, purchase necessary medicine, and provide support for families in need.
While our effort may continue through the sponsorship of other local congregations, this is the 9th and final trip organized by the members and friends of the East Rochester United Methodist Church. In total, we have built 40 houses and invested over $270,000 in economic development into one of the poorest villages in the Western Hemisphere.
Tony Chevez, and his Little League catcher!
Most importantly, we made friends and brought the Word of God to thousands of neighbors.
Tammy showing a LOT of love!
Photographs of our journey are still being compiled, but this Flickr Album is a great place to start!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Making friends, spreading the Word, and sharing the love of God is the most important aspect of international missions.
Thanks is extend to Tony and Halyma Chevez, without whom none of these trips would be possible. God has worked through Tony and Halyma to do great things for the glory of His kingdom.
Thanks is also extend to the hundreds of supporters, prayer partners, donors, local churches, student sponsors, and travelers who have made the trip over the years. Wow! It is amazing what God is able to do with warm and loving hearts.
Mission interpretation is vital!
A promotional power point is being developed of our 2016 trip. When it becomes available, you will be able to download it here. Please consider using it in your own local church as a means of communicating with your faith community our thanks and appreciation for their support.
A promotional power point from the January 2014 trip is now shared with you and easy to download. Find it at: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v-jNgCgdEDQIF4Ox28UQKcqs7_a6UJYwvVReUIP_Fxk/edit?usp=sharing