Education is a gift of God's grace that encourages our Christian development, supports our spiritual appetite, and resources the living of our days.
Grow DEEP! - Learn about scripture, God's call for your life, and how to follow Jesus Christ.
Wednesday Community Bible Study: Our popular study is held each Wednesday. While we have an organizer, leadership each week is shared among the participants. We enjoy people from numerous area churches and from our local neighborhood. All are welcome!
10:00 am - Gathering Fellowship. Coffee, tea, and cookies are arranged by weekly volunteers.
10:30 am - Bible study. Weekly leaders are volunteers. Those who are called to teach can teach!
12:00 noon - Lunch. Participants sign up each week to bring prepared food for the following week.
12:30 pm - Intercessory prayers. We lift up the needs of our members and the community to God in prayer.
Leadership is provided by Sally Glassbrook.
All are welcome! Share a ride. Invite a friend.
Pastor Jeff’s Notes for 1 Peter 1
Peter: Petros, greek rock Simon: Hebrew Cephas: Aramaic
Matthew 26:56 Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.
Read Acts 12