As Jesus Christ said, "the Son of Man came to serve, not to be served." At East Rochester United Methodist Church we take these words seriously and lead our lives accordingly.
Our community of faith worships on Sunday, but for the other six days of the week we are engaged in outreach, helping meet the needs of neighbors near and far.
Grow with us!
Here is a sampling of what God is already doing through our home and foreign missions:
Who loves the Ronald McDonald House? WE DO!
Home Missions:
Our Fellowship Team regularly has a mission project happening. Whether it be serving a meal at the Ronald McDonald's House, bringing in backpacks and school supplies for local school children, or filling shoe boxes with needed supplies for children overseas, our Fellowship Team ROCKS! Contact Marilynn Amberger at 585.586.9009 to learn how you can join the effort!
We are the home of Alcoholics Anonymous. Between 4 and 8 meetings a day gather for the purpose of health, wellness and sobriety. All are welcome to attend; park in the back parking lot and enter the lower level door. Learn more about our partnership with AA at
For a complete list of local AA meetings, locations, and times, click [ HERE ]
We are partners with Heritage Christian Services, and we are privileged to host friends in our Day Program downstairs. We have a lot of opportunities to make and build friendship. Test the water or jump in with both feet! Learn all about opportunities at:
Heritage Christian Services friends and family members produced our 2014 Christmas Pageant "The Little Lost Star"
Contact Pastor Jeff about donating a gently used wheel chair or walker. We will have it re-manufactured, shipped, and provided to an individual in need in Guatemala.
East Rochester United Methodist Church gathers food at our weekly worship service for our local food pantry at the East Rochester Village Resource Center.
We collect clothing in our lower parking lot to provide clothing to those in need and to recycle textiles.
We have also led storm clean up trips to New Orleans, Louisiana.
Home visit, Coban Province, Guatemala. 8/18
Foreign Missions:
The East Rochester UMC sends short term missionaries to Guatemala every year- in August to build houses, distribute re-manufactured wheel chairs, and make home visit to distribute food, shoes, and clothing- in November to participate in Bible Camp for children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities.
One of two families who received a new house!
Coban Province, Guatemala. 8/18
The East Rochester UMC has a long-standing, personal relationship with Telica, Nicaragua. For more than a decade we have led teams from the greater Rochester region to build homes, lead vacation Bible school for 300 children, distribute clothing, and bring surplus medical supplies. Since the early 2000s, we have sent 9 teams, built 40 houses, and invested over $270,000 into the local economy through relief efforts for some of the most impoverished people in the Western Hemisphere.
Many families sponsor a child through "Compassion in Jesus' Name" or "World Vision". We love to sponsor kids!
New homes dedicated to God's glory, for God's people! (Telica, Nicaragua. 1/10/14)
The dedication of a new home, January 2016
Engaging in outreach changes lives; those we assist and our own. Think about it. Take a look at some of our mission photos (below). Pray about it. Surrender your heart and come join us!
To read more about our Telica Mission and those involved visit: Telica Mission
Pastor Todd's complete album of photographs taken on the January 2014 Telica, Nicaragua mission trip is posted on Flickr, divided into the following two sets:
Photos of the 2016 Telica, Nicaragua mission trip is posted on Flickr at: